Do you have questions?

Here are answers to questions you may have about taking this course. If you have other questions, please email [email protected]

Q. What about system requirements and browser compatibility? 

A. Here's what you need to know:

This site is built on the Thinkific LMS (Learning Management Systems) platform. You will be able to use the features of this course if your desktop computer or mobile device has the following:

One of the web browsers listed below (the latest two versions of these browsers are supported, unless otherwise noted):

• For Desktop: Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Internet Explorer (version 11 only), or Edge 

• For Mobile: iOS Safari (10 and up), Chrome, Samsung Internet

Plus you'll need (and you probably already have these if you watch youtube or other videos online):

• Javascript enabled

• PDF plugin

• Graphic and audio output capability

• Broadband internet connection with a minimum speed of 5Mbps (recommended)

• TLS 1.2 supported by your web browser

Q. What is the time commitment for completing the course? 

A. Estimate 10 minutes per video and a total of 45 minutes per lesson to complete the video and activities. 

This is a self-paced course. Your time commitment will depend upon your involvement.

On average, the video lessons are less than 10 minutes long. 

Each lesson is accompanied by a Writing Spark pdf activity and a short quiz. Plus, there are pdfs for reference and additional activities throughout the lessons. 

As of this posting, there are 17 video lessons for an estimated 13 hours for course completion. You may want to complete one lesson a week, one every few days, or space them out over months. It's up to you. The pdf activities are designed to spark writing projects and discoveries about your writing process and aspects of fiction. You may spend 20 minutes on one Writing Spark, while another may prompt a story that takes you on a writing journey for hours.

Creative habits and focused practice are essential for a productive writing life. If you fit the course into your daily and weekly routine, you'll not only benefit from the course, you'll develop new routines that will nourish your writing practice long after you've finished the course.

Q. Am I required to read the books on the list?

A. No.  

Quoted material from the books referenced is given context within the videos as needed for the lessons. It's not necessary to read of the books on the list. However, you may want to do so along with the course or at some future time. And you may want to read other books, add them to the list, and note the lessons your favorite authors give to you on the page. Time for reading the books is not included in the time estimate given above.

Q. Is this course given for credit?

A. No.

This is not an accredited college or university. However, the instructor does have two advanced degrees—an MFA and MA—which are credentials for teaching at the university level. This course is designed for life-long learners, writers and readers looking for personal and professional growth, and beginning and experienced writers wanting inspiration and tools for their writing practice. This course would also benefit people with have degrees in writing who want to refresh their learning and skills. And for people who want to apply to a Masters writing program, this course will help to improve manuscripts for application submission and develop the close reading skills needed for workshop discussions. 

Q. What if I want a refund?

A. You'll get it!

The course comes with a guarantee. If you aren't satisfied with the value offered and received, your tuition will be refunded. Send an email to [email protected] 

Q. How do I post a review comment?

A. Go to "Rate this course" in your student dashboard. 1. If you don't see it, click on the menu icon to your left above the video player window. 2. When the dashboard opens up, you'll see "Rate this course" at top right. Click on that to go to the dialogue "Tell us what you thought of:" 3. In the dialogue, give your review a title, write the text, give it a star rating (5 is best!), and submit. 

Your review will appear on the course landing page to inform and attract other students to the course. Thank you! I appreciate your taking time to do this.